Keeping work desks clear of clutter is more about preventing sensitive information theft than making your office desk look smart. Sometimes a carelessly left paper note can contain sensitive information like passwords, and it's very important to define strict rules about information safety. Implementing CDP is one of the best strategies for preventing or reducing the risk of unwanted security breaches at the workplace.
Benefits of a Clean Desk Policy
From security to savings, a clean desk policy brings many benefits to any company that incorporates it. Some of the most obvious benefits include:
Going Green and Saving Money
This workspace policy encourages the use of digital documents instead of hard copies. The average North American’s use of paper costs our environment around seven trees each year. Additionally, using digital documents will cut down on office costs as the average U.S company spends over $120 billion each year on printing.
Keeping Sensitive Information Under Control
The most significant benefit of having a clean desk policy is that you’ll control and prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. For example, locking away items like USB keys each day will prevent data theft. Meeting rooms should be cleared out after each meeting, and printers should be checked and emptied at the end of each workday.
Looking Professional and Neat
Having a clean desk policy will result in making your office space clutter-free. A neat office looks professional and promotes better results in employees, filling the space with positive energy.
How to Create a Clean Desk Policy
Implementing a clean desk policy shouldn't be hard. Here are some pointers on making the entire process as easy and efficient as possible:
Put It in Writing
Create a clean desk policy template for all your employees to sign. If employees fail to comply, consequences should be serious, but practical.
Add a Reminder to Email Signatures
Use a clean desk policy email method. You’ve probably seen email signatures reminding readers to reconsider printing emails to help save the environment. In case your company uses email signatures, add a clean desk policy reminder at the bottom.
Lockable Storage
Purchasing small, lockable storage boxes that can fit under employees’ desks will provide them with a place where they can safely put away sensitive documents.
Encourage Electronic Documents
Employees should work with electronic documents. Working with physical papers makes a lot of mess, and using digital documents is a perfect tidy desk policy example.
How to Enforce a Clean Desk Policy
Implementing a clean desk policy may require you to be strict about it until your employees get used to the processes. Random checks combined with upper management support have provided solid results.
Random Checks
Appoint someone to conduct random weekly checks to see if everyone’s following protocols. All papers, post-its, notes, and other documents containing sensitive information must be destroyed or shredded immediately. Removable media like USB memory sticks, CDs, and others should be temporarily confiscated.
Upper Management Support
All levels of management need to take CDP seriously. If your employees see that higher management doesn’t abide CDP, they’ll lose faith in it.
Upper management usually handles a lot of sensitive documents, and that’s why CDP should be reinforced for everyone working at the company regardless of how high or low their status within the organization is.
Clean Desk Policy Template and Examples
Each company has its own clean desk policy template, and is free to add specific requirements for their workspace. SANS institute has published their Clean Desk Policy template to define the minimum requirements for maintaining a safe and clean desk, so companies can use it as a starting point.
Take a look of this rough example of a clean desk policy within a company based on the official SANS clean desk policy:
[Company Name] is committed to implementing new security policies and practices. We’ve implemented a Clean Desk Policy to increase overall physical security at all [Company Name] locations. This policy ensures that all sensitive materials and confidential information are safely stored away and out of sight when not in use.
5.1 Employees must ensure that all confidential/sensitive information in electronic or hardcopy form is safely secured in their work area at the end of the workday or when they’re expected to be away from office for a more extended period.
5.2 Computer workstations must be locked when the workspace is vacant.
5.3 File cabinets containing sensitive or restricted information must be closed and locked when not attended or when not in use.
Encourage your employees to abide by this CDP since it’ll benefit them and the rest of your organization. Contact Versare or go through our collection of office dividers, panels, and cubicles to enhance the safety of your office while keeping it looking tidy and professional. Browse our collection and start improving your office space.